Supreme Cork Fundraiser Benefits AVLF’s Safe and Stable Families Project


Congratulations To All 2019 Graduates

Congratulations to all 2019 graduates in our SM&P family.  Whether graduating from Pre-K and going into the “big kid” school or from college and eager to dive into the workforce, we are proud of you and your accomplishments.


liveSAFE Resources’ Tribute to Women of Achievement Recognition Dinner

Women from Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor recently joined more than 600 community leaders at the liveSAFE Resources’ Annual Tribute to Women of Achievement. Tracey Atwater, liveSAFE Resources (LSR) Executive Director, noted that the Tribute is the primary fundraising event for LSR, providing critical funding for their programs supporting those harmed by domestic and sexual violence as […]


Court of Appeals Affirms Stepparent Adoption Case Brought and Defended by SM&P Partners

SM&P partner Tracy Crider obtained a judgment for step-parent adoption by a Georgia stepfather.   When the biological father appealed the case, partner Ryan Proctor successfully defended the trial court ruling on appeal and had the adoption judgment affirmed.  Both victories hinged on the biological father’s failure to provide financial support for the child over a period of more than a year, resulting in […]


Collaborative training

Three SM&P attorneys participated in Collaborative Practice training in Tulsa, Oklahoma this month. According to founder and managing partner Mary Montgomery, clients and marriage counselors like to work with attorneys who have been collaboratively trained. “We see our clients when they are going through some of the worst experiences of their lives,” she said. “Anything […]