Congratulations To All 2019 Graduates

Congratulations to all 2019 graduates in our SM&P family. Whether graduating from Pre-K and going into the “big kid” school or from college and eager to dive into the workforce, we are proud of you and your accomplishments.
We recognize our own grads for a job well done:
Ja’Nyah Hargrove (16), daughter of legal assistant Gena Hargrove, is graduating from Henry County High School with a high school diploma AND an associate’s degree. She will enter Spelman this fall to earn a biology degree as a pre-med student with plans to become an obstetrician. Ja’Nyah belongs to a plethora of honor societies and currently has a 4.6 weighted and 4.0 unweighted GPA. She also runs track and loves to dance and read!
Paralegal Rebecca Edwards’ son, Leo Edwards (18), is graduating from Marietta High School. He will enroll at Kennesaw State University to begin his journey of obtaining a psychology degree with a minor in art.
Brody Ramsey (5), son of Samantha Ramsey, senior accountant, is graduating from Pre-K at the end of May. He is a Star Student and president of his class. “My kid’s five, so being elected by his peers as class president is pretty good,” Samantha says. “He wants to be a professional basketball player, he’s never played basketball in his life. He’s very loud but does have good manners. He’ll say ‘ma’am’ even if he’s yelling.” Samantha makes her own prediction about Brody’s future. “He’s an avid swimmer and fisherman. He’ll probably be a fisherman instead of a basketball player.”
Legal assistant Gena Hargrove’s daughter, Journi Hargrove (4), FINALLY starts school this year! “She has been asking since she turned one,” says Gena. “We asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. She looked at us with an ‘are you kidding me?’ expression as she replied, ‘AN ADULT!’ She loves to learn and is definitely the highlight of all of our days. She wants to go to prom and graduate since she sees her siblings preparing for prom, formal, and graduations.”
Paralegal Hannah Atkins is proud of her TWO graduates. Madison “Maddie” Atkins (4) is graduating from Pre-K and will begin kindergarten this fall. Madison wants to be a mommy and an attorney when she grows up so that she can “tell everyone what to do and buy a ginormous pink, glittery house.” She loves to dance and is very enthusiastic about her upcoming recital. Her interests, Hannah says, include “bossing her sister around, desserts, boys, and being ‘fancy.’”
Madison’s sister, Riley (3), is beginning Pre-K in August. Riley loves to dance and is very excited to be performing in her very first recital with Madison on June 1. She wants to be a kitty when she grows up. According to her mother, Riley’s interests include “harassing her sister, hiding cats, drawing on the wall, and waking Mommy up in the middle of the night.”