What Happens when Parents Divorce after an Adoption?
Issues of divorce can be particularly complex, especially when coupled with the presence of children that have been adopted. One type of adoption that is legal in Georgia is known as stepparent adoption, which is when a stepparent legally adopts the child of their spouse. If both of the child’s parents are still alive, an […]
What Happens to Pets During Divorce Proceedings?
Often in divorce cases, there is dispute over which party will be granted ownership of any pets obtained during the course of the relationship. An increasing number of families consider their pets to be far more than property, but full-fledged members of the family. Despite the emotional attachment many people have to their pets, the […]
Georgia Teenager’s Right to Choose Custodial Parents
Determining custody agreements in Georgia is a complex process during which the judge has multiple variables to consider. In fact, there are seventeen factors listed in the Georgia code that outlines child custody proceedings that help the judge determine the idea living situation for the child. But as the child gets older, a few additional […]
3 Tips for Child Custody Pawn Prevention
In most instances where parents are fighting over custody of their children, both parties genuinely seek to do what is best for the children involved. All too often, however, these legal proceedings turn into heated feuds whose realm reaches far beyond the doors of the courthouse. While you may think this argument is just between […]