10 Ways to an Effective Divorce – Part 5: Alimony and Child Support
Alimony and child support typically tend to make up some of the more combative issues in divorce cases. Many people wonder how the income(s) that once supported a single household will stretch to support two. Issues of finances vary from case to case, which makes it all the more important that you are honest with […]
10 Ways to an Effective Divorce – Part Four: The Benefit of an Experienced Family Law Attorney
Hiring a competent attorney with whom you can entrust your case is one of the most critical parts of planning your divorce. Since it is common for divorce cases to settle, many attorneys who are general practitioners will accept divorce cases. Divorce cases can be complex, and it is beneficial to have an attorney who […]
10 Ways to an Effective Divorce – Part Three: Access your Financial Holdings
In the 3rd part of our series, we will discuss the intricacies that may arise from a financial perspective when going through a divorce. Typically, finances finish a close second behind child custody issues when it comes to items that are harshly disputed between the parties going through divorce proceedings. It is imperative that you […]
10 Ways to an Effective Divorce – Part Two: Your Lawyer is Your Ally
To continue the discussion on increasing your chance of a better outcome in a divorce, our focus will shift to the importance of understanding your lawyer’s role in your divorce case. Like any other professional, lawyers can be sued also. Sometimes these cases are justified, as the lawyer did commit an error. Other times individual clients […]