Georgia Discovery Process: What to Know for Your Divorce

Lawyer Shaking Hands with Client

How to Choose the Right Divorce Attorney

Deciding to divorce is a very personal decision, and so is choosing an attorney to help you through that process. If you are uncertain as to how to choose a divorce attorney, you are not alone. Fortunately, there are some specifics you can look for to narrow down your options and will help make the […]

Man and Woman Signing Divorce Papers

How to Get a Quick Divorce in Georgia

Getting a quick divorce in Georgia is possible, but it takes some effort and cooperation to make it work. However, if you know how to help move the process along, and both you and your spouse are committed to getting through your divorce quickly, it is possible to have a quicker divorce than it might […]


Can a Divorce Resettlement Be Reopened?

Reopening a divorce settlement is generally not something allowed under Georgia law, but there are exceptions to the rule. Your settlement can be reopened but only in certain cases and under certain conditions. If you feel your settlement is unfair and should be changed or there are extenuating circumstances in your case, reaching out to […]


Handling Your Divorce (and What Comes After) In the Age of COVID-19

Every American family has been impacted in some way by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has already changed the very nature of who we are as a society and how we interact with each other in our day-to-day lives. “Social distancing” used to refer to something you did to end a bad relationship and was often […]