What are the Financial Impacts of Divorce in Georgia?


Five Financial Tips For Women Divorcing in 2013

Ending a marriage is certainly one of the hardest decisions a person has to make at any point of the year, let alone any part of their life. According to a recent article in Forbes Magazine, statistically more women divorce in January than any other month of the year. Perhaps the reasoning behind this statistic […]


10 Ways to an Effective Divorce – Part 10: What Happens at the End of a Divorce

In our 10-post blog series,“10 Ways to an Effective Divorce,” we explained the divorce process in the state of Georgia and answered tough questions about paying for the divorce, hiring an experienced family law attorney, important factors to consider when filing, assessing alimony and child support, using mediation effectively, determining equitable property division, and protecting […]


10 Ways to an Effective Divorce – Part 9: Who Pays Taxes in a Divorce?

If you’re currently going through a divorce or separation, the outcome of the process can drastically change your financial and tax status. Each spouse’s situation changes, depending on the structure of the divorce settlement.  Also, the parties’ need to be aware their potential filing status will be affected by the pending divorce.  Planning ahead for […]


10 Ways to an Effective Divorce – Understanding the Benefits of Mediation in Georgia

It goes without saying that a divorce can be an extremely messy, and emotionally draining process. Besides the parties directly involved, it can leave a lasting impact on children, friends, and additional family members who may feel as if they are forced to take sides when dealing with the issue. However, did you know that […]