10 Dirty Divorce Tricks To Watch Out For


Children and Divorce: Have You Thought About Co-Parenting?

As a followup from a previous blog “6 Tips to Communicate an Upcoming Divorce to Your Children,” we shared six cardinal rules for fostering your child’s peace of mind during the divorce process. But what options are there for parents to ensure their children live a consistent life after divorce? In an article from Psychology […]


5 Things You Should Never Do To Jeopardize Your Divorce Case

As we have seen in the past and in recent divorce cases, spouses will let their emotions get the best of them in the courtroom. Instead of maintaining composure, compromising with their soon-to-be ex-spouse, and listening to their divorce attorney, they end up losing their case due to illogical mistakes.  Usually divorce clients are seeking […]


10 Biggest Mistakes People Make During a Divorce

As we have mentioned in previous blog entries, divorce is not only a very emotional and stressful journey, but it can also get down right dirty and ugly. As we have seen in the past, one of the biggest legal mistakes people make when considering a divorce is hiring an inexperienced divorce attorney. After all, […]


6 Tips to Communicate an Upcoming Divorce to Your Children

According to “Life Course” by Furstenberg, Peterson, Nord, and Zill, half of all American children will witness a breakup of a parent’s marriage. There is no doubt that divorce is an emotional and stressful journey for a family, but it can be extremely difficult and stressful if there is a child or children involved.