Divorce 911: I’ve Been Locked Out of My Georgia House


Divorce and Children and Its Effect on the Summer

Summer is that time of the year when many families take time off from their jobs and enjoy vacations to destinations near and far. However, if you or someone you know just recently separated or got divorced, there’s no doubt this life changing experience affects  their summer and, when children are involved, provokes an even […]


Divorce 911: Top Five Questions To Ask a Divorce Lawyer

Unfortunately, you and your spouse have discussed the issues and problems with your marriage and decided that it would be best to get a divorce. What do you do now? What are the next steps? Essentially, you’ll want to contact an experienced divorce and family law attorney and schedule a consultation to discuss your case […]


The Top 10 Reasons Marriages End in Divorce

In life, things happen for a reason and divorce is one of those life events that just doesn’t happen by accident. In a marriage, whether it’s been a year or 20 years, problems tend to build up over time. If one or both of the spouses chooses not to share how they’re feeling, the probability […]


Social Media’s Implications on Divorce

Being tethered to our smartphones and tablets and pairing it with social media, it’s never been so easy to broadcast your message and tell the world not only what you’re doing, but how you feel. With that being said, it’s no wonder social media plays a major role as evidence in a divorce. According to […]