Saving Time & Expense in Divorce, Part 3: Checklist


Saving Time & Expense in Divorce, Part 2: Discovery Process

Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor’s Founder, Mary Montgomery, continues a multi-part series of how clients can Save Time & Expense when going through a divorce. Part 2 defines what the ‘Discovery’ process may be, and its importance in your case.


Grounds for Terminating Parental Rights

Under Georgia law, an individual’s parental rights may be terminated if: The parent “wantonly and willfully” failed to comply with a child support order entered in Georgia or any other state for at least 12 months or more; The parent consented to the termination of parental rights and such consent has been accepted by the […]


In High Asset Divorces, Know Thy Assets

High asset divorces work similarly to normal divorces, with two main differences. First, there’s obviously a lot more at stake—often in the millions of dollars. Second, there is a lot of unusual complexity. Owning many assets means they are spread out, among other things, across bank accounts, real estate, stocks, businesses, and retirement funds.