Child Custody
Child Abandonment Issues in Georgia
Children depend on their parents to provide for their needs, and parents have a legal duty to support their offspring. In addition to a parent’s legal duty to provide for their child, it is generally in a child’s best interest to have both parents play an active, engaged role in their lives.
The Benefits of Alcohol Screening in Cases Involving the Supervised Visitation of Children
In child custody cases, the Georgia court generally supports the idea that it is in the child’s best interests to have both parents play an active and engaged role in the child’s life. Unfortunately, factors often exist that make this a problem. The threat of family violence, abuse, or neglect may require the need for […]
Temporary Guardianship in Georgia
There are situations in which parents become unable to care for their children. It could be due to injury or illness, the result of an addiction, or allegations of abuse. Placing the child into the care of another responsible adult is often the best way to ensure the child is protected and cared for. When […]
How Can a Father Win a Custody Battle in Georgia?
When seeking custody in Georgia, it is important to have a clear understanding of the laws and legal principles that apply to your individual circumstances. While the path differs for married and unmarried fathers, contrary to popular belief, the law specifically provides that preference not be given to the mother or the father. Once paternity […]