Why Life Insurance may be Required in Divorce Settlements


What Happens to Pets During Divorce Proceedings?

Often in divorce cases, there is dispute over which party will be granted ownership of any pets obtained during the course of the relationship.  An increasing number of families consider their pets to be far more than property, but full-fledged members of the family.  Despite the emotional attachment many people have to their pets, the […]


5 Tax Tips to Consider if you are getting Divorced

Divorce tends to be a complicated endeavor emotionally when a marriage dissolves and affects the entire family. However, there are other aspects to getting a divorce like taxes that you must take into consideration as well. For example, taxes are going to be something to keep a close eye on when getting a divorce. Unfortunately, […]


5 Tips for not Going Broke after Getting a Divorce

In today’s economy many worry about the financial burden of getting a divorce or how they are going to pay their bills after a divorce. With a little planning and the tips below you no longer have to worry about going broke during a divorce.