Common Questions Kids Ask During Divorce and Simple Answers


Avoiding the Pitfalls of Divorce

Divorce is never easy for anyone to go through, but being prepared can help take some of the stress away. Here are a few things that you can do to help prepare for the divorce process.


The Importance of a Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is extremely beneficial in the long run for any divorcing couple with children. Even for ex spouses that continue to work together and maintain a respectful relationship after the divorce a parent plan can be of value. Below are a few key items you should make sure are included in your parenting […]


3 Tips to Prepare for a Child Custody Battle

Child custody battles can often turn heated during an emotionally charged divorce. Your ex spouse may try to make you look bad to the judge in order to lessen your chances of receiving custody. Below are three tips to help protect yourself and prepare for anything that gets thrown at you during a child custody […]


Top 6 Tips for Effective Divorce Negotiations

Many couples decide to settle their divorce through mediation or a collaborative process rather than through a court trial. For those couples we have put together the top six things to keep in mind during negotiations in order to reach the desired outcome for both parties.