How to Get an Alimony Modification in Georgia


Georgia Child Support & Child Custody 101

Knowing all the ins and outs of Georgia child support and custody laws is difficult to remember during an emotional time like divorce. To help, we have put together a short list of important child custody and child support facts to keep in mind during and after divorce.


Commonly Asked Questions: Georgia Divorce Law

Divorces are difficult no matter which state you are in. We’re located in Georgia and thought it would be helpful if we provided a list of commonly asked questions about Georgia divorce law.


Things to Consider When Hiring a Divorce Attorney

It is extremely important that you hire an attorney trained in divorce and family law when going through the divorce process, especially if you are fighting for child custody. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when searching for your divorce attorney.


The Difference Between Fault and No-Fault Divorce

When a couple or an individual is considering ending their marriage the reason for the divorce may be simple or complicated. You might be wondering if you have to disclose the reason for the divorce when filing in the state of Georgia. The answer is no, in Georgia there are 13 grounds for divorce, including […]