Síndrome del Padre Malicioso: ¿Lo padece el padre/madre de sus hijos?
Descubre cómo el Síndrome del Padre Malicioso impacta el bienestar mental de niños y padres, sus signos, implicaciones legales y estrategias para mitigarlo
MSU Football Coach Accused Of Moving Money In Divorce Case
Spouses moving money in a divorce can lead to a whosst of complications and can place your assets at risk. Read more here as we discuss this.
What LGBT+ Couples should know about Child Custody in GA
In Georgia, child custody laws have traditionally been centered around the dynamics of biological mother and father relationships. However, the legal landscape has evolved to address the complexities of child custody for LGBT+ couples. Understanding the legal framework is crucial for navigating issues around child custody for same sex parents in Georgia. Statutes and Precedents […]
What You Should Know About LGBTQ and Adoption in Georgia
In Georgia, LGBT couples pursuing adoption must meet specific legal requirements to navigate the process successfully. Find out more in our latest blog.