SMP’s Ryan Proctor to host: Divorce Hot Shot Session on November 15th

Divorce Hot Shot: Do Dads Get a Fair Shake?
This session, “Do Dads Get a Fair Shake,” is being taught by Ryan Proctor who has significant experience with child support, parenting time, custody, guardian ad items, and co-parenting challenges.
This presentation is one part of an ongoing series on Divorce in Georgia sponsored by Visions Anew Institute. The Vision Anew Institute is a non-profit organization, which is committed to providing education, support, and resources to men and women who are contemplating or in the process of separation and/or divorce. The “Do Dads Get a Fair Shake” session will cover children’s issues in divorce, including child support, parenting time, custody, and more.
The November 15th session begins at 6:30 p.m. and is being held at the Advanced Financial Strategies’ offices in Sandy Springs – 7000 Central Parkway, Suite 525, Atlanta 30328. Please feel free to attend, and let anyone else who might be interested know about the event. Hope to see you there!
The Outline for “Do Dads Get A Fair Shake” is below:
- Welcome & Introduction of Speakers
- Framing of the Issues – Legal Issues of Children/Parenting and Non-Legal Issues of Children/Parenting
- Legal Issues: Custody, Parenting Seminar, Child Support Worksheets, Parenting Plans and Income Withholding Orders (How these things work.)
- Non-Legal Issues: Child Development Issues (babies, elementary age, teen years), Significant Others, Step-Parents, Cell Phones/Cars/College/Weddings, etc.
- Relocation and Modification Issues
- The Perception that Dads Are Disfavored in Courts – Fact or Fiction in the Legal Context and the Non-Legal Context?