Does My Family Need Post-Divorce Counseling?

Even under the best circumstances, going through a divorce can be a trying process for everyone involved. Whether one spouse initiated the divorce or both agreed that it was time to bring their marriage to an end, it is not unusual for recently divorced individuals to experience feelings of stress, sadness, shame, anxiety and even fear about the future. Children of all ages who witness the end of their parents’ marriage can go through similar emotions as well, with younger children often taking their parents’ divorces the hardest.
Should I Consider Post-Divorce Counseling?
If you are recently divorced, it may be worthwhile to speak with a counselor or therapist about your new circumstances. The Atlanta metropolitan area is home to many skilled professionals who offer therapy for coping with divorce, including divorce therapy for children, and scheduling a consultation can help you gain a clearer understanding of you and your children’s emotional health and wellbeing. It is not uncommon for recently divorced individuals to have difficulty interpreting their feelings, but by seeking counseling, you can learn to identify any potential concerns before they take on a central role in your life.
Post-divorce counseling can offer numerous benefits, including providing much-needed support for:
- Understanding and coping with feelings of anxiety and depression
- Overcoming feelings of shame and insecurity
- Finding new ways to connect with your children
- Recognizing self-destructive behaviors and avoiding “feeling stuck” as a result of self-imposed limitations
- Developing an overall plan for adjusting to life after divorce
Just as getting divorced is a process, so, too, is adjusting to life as a single individual or parent. It is important to remember that you do not have to go through it alone. Many people find that seeking help through post-divorce counseling provides benefits far beyond what they initially expected.
Helping Your Children Adjust to Their New Life
Children go through the divorce process as spectators. Whether a divorce is contested or uncontested , children spend months watching and waiting as their parents’ loving relationship comes to an end. This, quite understandably, can take a significant toll, as children are often less-equipped than their parents to deal with the emotional strain of a divorce.
Post-divorce therapy can help children adjust to life with unmarried parents. Children of all ages can benefit significantly from talking about their feelings and learning about coping strategies in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Parents and children may choose to jointly attend therapy sessions as well, and discussing their thoughts openly with the guidance of an experienced professional can help children and parents find new ways to connect following a divorce
Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor, an Atlanta‑Area Family Law Firm
With offices in Alpharetta, Buckhead, Dunwoody and Marietta, the family lawyers at Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor provide experienced divorce representation throughout the greater Atlanta metropolitan area. If you are contemplating divorce or adjusting to life after divorce and would like to speak with an attorney, we invite you to get in touch. To schedule a confidential consultation at one of our four convenient locations, please call (678) 971-3413 or request an appointment online today. Weekend and evening appointments are available.