6 Tips for a Stay-at-Home Mom Preparing for Divorce

There’s no doubt that preparing for a divorce will be a difficult and emotional journey. The responsibilities of being a stay-at-home mother usually involve keeping the house clean, preparing meals, and sending the kids off to school.
With a divorce added to your plate, you will have more responsibilities and will have to make tough decisions like establishing entitlement to assets, arranging child custody, and settling property distribution. Where do you begin and who do you turn to?
While there are many facts and statistics about divorce, one of the few comforts in this emotional roller coaster of a process is that you are not alone. Depending on any article or website you read, an estimated 50% of marriages end in divorce. There are many places you can turn for help, including a divorce and family law attorney.
If you’re a stay-at-home mom who is contemplating divorce, here are several tips to think about as you physically and financially prepare for divorce.
6 Helpful Tips to Prepare Yourself for Divorce
1. Prepare a budget. You need to be aware of your financial situation in order to properly take care of yourself and your family. Your household will now be splitting into two, and that means double the bills. Prepare a household budget to see how much you’ll need to live on your own and how much your bills will be. You may want to contact an accountant to further discuss financials and options.
2. Search for employment. A divorce results in two separate households and double the bills. If your spouse’s income does not support both homes, you will have to search for work to support yourself and your family. Start the search early to give yourself the options you need to find work. Be sure to keep your household budgets and financial needs in mind. The best way to begin the job hunt is by browsing job search websites or asking your friends about openings at their place of work.
3. Educate yourself on divorce. There are a variety of ways you can learn about the challenging decisions you will have to make by tapping into credible resources and professionals. If you’re confused and need legal advice, contact an experienced divorce and family law attorney.
4. Seek support. As you face the emotional obstacles and stress from divorce, establish your support team. Your support team can consist of your family, close friends, a divorce coach, a church support group and counselors. If you hire an attorney, confide in them as they will help navigate you through the entire process and have your best interests in mind.
5. Don’t talk bad about your ex. Often, your child’s best interests would be the main reason for a divorce, such as not wanting them to grow up seeing arguments and cases of drug/alcohol abuse and domestic violence. Kids are very fragile and vulnerable during a divorce and it’s important to have their best interests in mind. You may think that you’re explaining reasons for divorce, but you shouldn’t say anything negative about your soon-to-be ex.
6. Hire an experienced divorce and family law attorney. It can be scary to think about your future during a divorce, but it’s not as frightening as you’d think with help from the right legal representation. Georgia divorce is a very complex process, and an experienced divorce attorney will understand the steps, timing, legal options and litigation alternatives and help you understand your legal rights and options.
Not every separation process is a cut and dry situation, and there may be surprising circumstances along the way. Contact an experienced family law and divorce attorney to reduce your stress and avoid making any mistakes.
Contact Your Atlanta Divorce & Family Law Attorneys at Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor Today
Our caring and dedicated team is here to understand your needs while we review your rights and options, consider any alternatives, and prepare a sound strategy for your Georgia divorce.
With four convenient offices located in Alpharetta, Buckhead, Dunwoody, and Marietta, we have been proudly serving the Atlanta metropolitan area since 1988.
To schedule a consultation today, call us at (678) 971-3413 or click here to complete a contact form.