Five Benefits of Having a Prenup in Georgia


What is a Premarital Agreement in Georgia?

With almost one in three of all first marriages ending in divorce and more than 50 percent of marriages involving children, having a premarital agreement is an important contract for smart financial planning. Marriage is not only an emotional and physical union, but a financial union as well. Having a premarital agreement will better serve […]


Enforceability of Prenuptial Agreements in Georgia

An increasing number of Georgia newlyweds are choosing to sign prenuptial agreements. Although it seems unromantic, this decision often makes sense.  Couples wary of high divorce rates often find solace in a document that can protect their assets in case the marriage is unsuccessful.  However, when considering whether such a document suits your case, remember […]


Why Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement?

The last thing on your mind when you are entering a marriage is the possibility of a divorce. Prenuptial agreements are not designed to anticipate one’s failed marriage but simply to protect oneself in the event that one day you do decide to end your marriage. While many think of them in a bad light, […]