Preparing for Tax Season: Filing During or after a Divorce


How to Avoid Divorce and Bankruptcy in Georgia

For many people, getting divorced can trigger concerns about bankruptcy. Whether financial strains played a role in the deterioration of your marriage or you are worried about meeting your financial obligations once your divorce is final, if you are thinking about bankruptcy, planning ahead and making smart decisions during the divorce process can pay dividends […]


Does My Family Need Post-Divorce Counseling?

Even under the best circumstances, going through a divorce can be a trying process for everyone involved. Whether one spouse initiated the divorce or both agreed that it was time to bring their marriage to an end, it is not unusual for recently divorced individuals to experience feelings of stress, sadness, shame, anxiety and even […]


Will You Owe Your Spouse Alimony After a Divorce?

Spousal Support is Not a Right in Georgia Many people who are considering a divorce or who are already going through the process of divorce wonder if they will be required to pay alimony to their spouse. While both parents are legally obligated to support their children when a divorce occurs, there are no state […]


Melanie Webre Assists in False Accusation Case

Divorce is usually complicated. If children are in the equation, not only does it get more complicated, but in many cases the children can become pawns of manipulation, victims of circumstance, collateral damage. It is always best to hire an attorney to protect everyone’s rights. Melanie Webre was involved in a case with a married […]