Arbitration vs. Mediation: What’s the Difference for Divorce?
During a divorce, spouses have several options for resolving their differences. Some of these options involve working together to reach an agreement without third-party intervention, while others involve seeking outside help to either bring the spouses’ positions closer together or render a decision in their case. Two options that fall into the above categories are […]
Divorce and Business Ownership—Who Gets What?
During proceedings for a divorce in Georgia, the division of marital property is often the subject of disputes, particularly if the couple has significant assets. When these assets include a business, such as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), property division can become even more contentious. Dividing business interests in […]
GA Supreme Court Vacates Divorce Due to Inadequate Settlement Terms
A recent case from the Supreme Court of Georgia highlights how critically important it is for divorcing spouses to address all of the necessary terms and follow all required procedures when seeking to finalize their divorce. In the case of Rasheed v. Sarwat, 797 S.E.2d 454 (2017), the Court vacated a divorce decree nearly a […]
Understanding Pensions & Divorce in Georgia
Going through a divorce means dividing assets that you and your former spouse may have spent a considerable number of years accumulating. In addition to real estate, cars, furnishings, and other types of personal property, this involves untangling your financial accounts as well. You may not see a connection between your retirement accounts and divorce, […]