Understanding Pensions & Divorce in Georgia


How to Prevent Dissipation of Marital Assets While Going Through A Divorce

The breakup of a marriage is never easy, and negotiations over how to divide property and assets you have accumulated together as a couple can be particularly contentious. The court aims to distribute houses, personal property, and financial accounts in a way that is fair and reasonable to both parties, but it is not uncommon […]


Staying Afloat: Divorce and Debt Responsibility in Georgia

Managing debt is something that many couples struggle with, and balancing mortgages, car payments, loans and credit card payments each month can prove to be challenging. For those going through a divorce and making the transition from living on two incomes to one, it can be even harder to stay afloat.


Top 8 Pieces of Divorce Advice for Women in Georgia

If you are preparing to go through a divorce, there is a great deal you need to know. While the process can be difficult and can be stressful, the more you do to prepare yourself, the more positive the process and final outcome will be. To help you make informed decisions about your divorce, below […]