When to Get a Divorce: How to Know It’s Time


Are You Sure Divorce is What You Want?

At Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor, we believe in helping our clients protect their families and assets. In the more than 30 years that Founding Partner Mary Montgomery has been practicing family law, she has realized many couples considering divorce have not thought through the process. When we at SM&P meet someone who wants a divorce, we want […]


What Are the Parental Responsibility Laws in Georgia?

Under Georgia law, parents can be held liable for their children’s actions under several circumstances. The state’s parental liability laws appear in Sections 51-2-2 and 51-2-3 of the Georgia Code. The main parental responsibility provision appears in Section 51-2-2:


What Happens in a Family Court Divorce Trial?

Most divorces do not go to trial. Although a divorce is a formal legal proceeding that involves the family court system, most spouses are able to settle their differences in private negotiation sessions or through alternative dispute resolution (ADR).


Finding Help in Divorce Recovery Support Groups

Going through the breakup of a marriage and getting a divorce are traumatic events. Even if your split was amicable, it is still natural to find yourself experiencing strong feelings about what happened and a general fear of what the future might hold. Fortunately, divorce recovery is possible in a relatively short time, and there […]