How Does Termination of Parental Rights Affect Child Support Obligations?


Is Child Support Tax Deductible?

Getting divorced entails a wide range of financial considerations, including potential income tax liability. Spouses who are able to amicably resolve their divorces can often structure terms that provide tax benefits on both sides as certain arrangements have tax implications while others do not. Is child support tax deductible? What about alimony? Can your property […]


The (Child) Support You And Your Family Need

Child support payments in Georgia play an important role in ensuring your child’s physical, emotional, and developmental needs are met. In cases where these payments are non-existent, made sporadically, or fail to account for the total amount of your child’s expenses, we can assist you in seeking an order of support through the family court.


How Does Georgia Child Support Enforcement Work?

There is no doubt that divorce is complicated. To make matters more complex, the added component of a child, or children, to the legal mix is typically what makes a relatively basic case quite convoluted and take substantially longer. While the reasoning is obvious, it’s important to understand that once your case is resolved, the […]


DCSS has instigated a child support case against me – I don’t know if I am the father. Will I be on the hook for child support?

It would seem that child support is based on an obvious principle: it is the child’s biological father who is the one to pays child support. However, mothers go to DCSS (Division of Child Support Services) offices on a daily basis to establish child support against a Defendant who may or may not be the […]