Filing Taxes as a Single Parent: Who Gets the Child Dependent Tax Deduction?
Raising children can be one of the most fulfilling life experiences you’ll have, but it can be expensive. That’s why the IRS offers parents a tax break, otherwise known as a “Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit” to alleviate some of these expenses. If you’re filing taxes for the first time after a recent divorce, […]
After two people get married, it is common for them to combine resources and finances to help support each other. During the marriage one spouse may provide the majority of the financial support for the other. In this situation, you may be entitled to receive alimony or may be required to pay alimony when going […]
5 Tips to Financially Prepare for a Divorce
If you are considering filing for divorce, or have already filed, it is important to protect yourself financially. Whether you were previously involved in managing your family’s finances or not, it is essential that you have an understanding of your financial situation prior to divorce. Here are 5 basic tips to help you financially prepare […]
SMP Welcomes Randy Sabatini
Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor is proud to welcome Randy Sabatini to our team of experienced divorce attorneys. After growing up in Michigan, Randy left the cold to attend Emory University School of Law in Atlanta and has lived here ever since. Randy has practiced Family Law for more than half of his legal career, and ran […]