Two SM&P Attorneys Recognized as 2021 Georgia Legal Elites

For the past 19 years, Georgia Trend magazine has asked the state’s attorneys to decide who among them are the best in their fields and therefore worthy of being named Georgia Legal Elites. Statewide, only one in 20 attorneys earns this distinction. This year, Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor’s Judy Sartain and Anne Thompson De Magana were chosen by their colleagues to be recognized as two of the state’s finest, members of the 2021 Georgia Legal Elite.
According to Mary Montgomery, SM&P’s founding and managing partner, no one was surprised that these attorneys were recommended by their peers as 2021 Georgia Legal Elite attorneys. “I have the opportunity every day to see the caliber of work they are doing,” she said. “So, I’m proud that within the state, only five percent of attorneys are awarded this prestigious honor. This reflects well – it’s a great accomplishment.”.”
Judy explains why Mary feels the recognition is a source of pride to the entire staff. “No one works in isolation here. We all contribute, in little and big ways, to each other’s success.”
This is Anne’s second time to be chosen as a Legal Elite since joining the firm. She agrees with Judy about the value of cooperation among the teams and staff. “Our team works well together, sharing expertise and ideas, so each attorney benefits and excels, as do their clients,” she said.
Judy concurs. “I want to give a special shout-out to the entire firm, all of whom contributed to making this possible,” she said. “I’m honored to be selected in the company of so many accomplished lawyers.”
Georgia Legal Elite received nominations representing 16 practice areas from almost 2,000 attorneys from all regions of the state. Those receiving the most votes are listed in the December 2021 issue of Georgia Trend in the categories in which their fellow attorneys chose them, although some may practice in more than one area.
Congratulations, Judy and Anne!