SMP Participates in Color Me Fun Run

Staff and family of Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor Law Firm recently participated in Arnold Mill Elementary School’s 1st annual “Color Me Fun Run” to raise support, money and awareness for The American Cancer Society through Relay for Life.
“This fun-filled event truly supports a worthy cause,” said Principal Daniel H. Fuller. “So many of our lives have been touched by a loved one with cancer and all the proceeds of this run will go straight to The American Cancer Society.”
Jessica Cramer, a SMP account manager and mother of Arnold Mill second grader and eight-year-old, Harli noted that while the distance may not have appeased distance-runners or running enthusiasts, it was perfect for students and family. The fun will not soon be forgotten.
As students and family ran through each station, volunteers threw colored powders that left plain white t-shirts spotted with spring colors and cheer.
More than 250 students, family and friends took part in this unique, fun and meaningful day. “My son had a blast,” said Stacy Johnson about her four-year-old. “They were getting dye thrown at them, getting dirty and not getting in trouble for it,” she laughed.
“I’m sure the school will do this again,” said Jessica, “it raised more than $2,200 for a great cause. I’m glad that members of the SMP team and their families came out to support the effort.”
Everyone was quick to agree that the support and registration-sponsorship of Mary Montgomery gave the team extra inspiration to get “SPLASHED” with color for a great cause. Thank you Arnold Mill Elementary for being invested in young lives and encouraging the support of organizations like The American Cancer Society.