6 Tips To Help Your Adoption Process Go Smoother

You’ve officially decided to adopt and you’re excited to get the process started; but where do you begin?
Our adoption attorneys have worked with a wide range of adoption cases involving both international and domestic adoption as well as two parent, single parent, same sex partners, and stepparent adoption. Using their expertise, we have developed 6 tips to help make your adoption process go more smoothly.
6 Tips For Adoption
- Know what you’re looking for- Talk with your partner or consult your family and friends if you are seeking a single parent adoption. Do you want to adopt an infant, young child, or older child? Do you have a specific gender in mind? By answering these questions at the beginning of the process, you’ll be able to direct your efforts accordingly.
- Understand the Laws-Laws can vary significantly depending on where you are adopting from. For a domestic adoption, research state laws. For international adoption, research US Department Regulations and the eligibility requirements of your target country.
- Plan your finances-There are many factors to consider when planning your finances such as your adoption application fee, homestudy and preparation services, post-placement supervision, mental health evaluations, document preparation, and others depending on your unique adoption experience. In addition, make sure to consider the cost difference between domestic and international adoptions; international adoptions are generally more expensive.
- Seek help from professionals-Seeking guidance from the start can help the entire process go more smoothly. An experienced adoption attorney will have the knowledge and resources to overcome any delays and obstacles, as well as help guide you through the entire adoption process.
- Join adoption support groups-Adopting a child is a very emotional process and learning from other people in the same situation will help encourage you and even educate you. There may be a group in your local area. There are also many online chat groups and blogs dedicated to helping adoptive families connect. One example is AdoptiveFamiliesCircle, a site where adoptive families in all stages of the process can go to share experiences and ask questions.
- Adoption expense tax credit–Check with your accountant to confirm your right to a tax credit for adoption expenses which are reasonable and necessary, such as adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees, and other expenses directly related to the adoption of an eligible child. The credit may be as much at $13,000 or more.
While the adoption process can be lengthy, the wait is well worth the reward. Use these 6 tips to help your adoption process go more smoothly so you can begin life with your new family member.
Let Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor Help With Your Adoption
Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor would love to help you through this exciting time in your life. With four offices in Georgia located in Atlanta, Marietta, and Alpharetta, our adoption attorneys serve families throughout the Atlanta metropolitan area.
To schedule a consultation today, call or complete our contact form.