What Not To Do During A Divorce

Couples Hands Over Divorce Paper

You often hear about the things you should do during a divorce case, but what about the things you shouldn’t do? While emotions run high during divorce, you might not realize some of the small things you’re doing could harm or affect the outcome of your divorce case. Today, the divorce experts at Stearns-Montgomery & Proctor and here to help you understand what you should avoid during these difficult times.

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Things to Avoid Doing During a Divorce

There are certain things, both at home and in the courtroom, that you should make sure not to do during a divorce. Here are some of the most important things you should not do during a divorce:

  • Don’t take legal advice from friends and family: While your friends and family probably have your best interest at heart, they are not lawyers and should not be giving you legal advice during your divorce. Every divorce case is different, and you cannot go off another’s experience in court to make your decisions
  • Don’t be dishonest with your attorney: Lying to your attorney or not fully disclosing all the information that is requested can only harm you during your divorce case. Your attorney must know all the facts, so they can properly represent you during the divorce
  • Don’t make rash decisions based on emotions: While emotions tend to run high during a divorce, do not refuse to communicate with your ex during the process. This will only make you look bad in court. You should also never make large monetary decisions quickly or solely based on emotions during a divorce. Consult your attorney if you have any questions before making financial decisions during a divorce
  • Don’t be uncooperative during court: During your divorce case, there might be experts involved that will want to work with you and ask you questions. You should never come off as being uncooperative or rude to these professionals
  • Don’t settle without fully analyzing the case: Every divorce case is different, and the worst thing you can do is settle just for the sake of getting the process over with. There are many factors that go into making child custody decisions as well as alimony, and you should understand all the facts before making a decision
  • Don’t refuse therapy or mediation: Whether you need help with your emotional or mental stability during these times, or you’re trying to settle out of court with a mediator, don’t rule out these useful options
  • Don’t take out your frustration on your children: You should try to avoid discussing the process with your children, taking out your frustration with your spouse on them, or blaming them
  • Don’t sleep with your lawyer: This probably goes without saying, but DO NOT get romantically involved with the divorce attorney representing you
  • Don’t continue putting money into joint accounts: If you know for sure that divorce is coming your way, make sure you stop funneling money into a shared account and start putting your funds into your personal account again
  • Don’t get pregnant: The last thing you need during these times is the emotional, mental, and physical stress of a pregnancy. It can even hinder your ability to have a divorce, in certain situations
  • Don’t forget to edit your will: Make sure any necessary edits to your will are made, either during or after the divorce process


It’s important to understand just how many factors can affect the divorce process, and some can potentially affect the outcome, depending on certain circumstances. If you’re unsure about whether you should be doing certain things during your divorce, don’t hesitate to speak with your divorce attorney to make sure.

Work With the Atlanta-Based Divorce Attorneys at Stearns Law

You should always turn to your GA divorce lawyers to answer any questions you may have during divorce, so they can properly guide you through the process. If you have any concerns or questions about your current or impending divorce case, don’t hesitate to contact our team today.