3 Common Divorce Myths: Cheating, Contested Divorces, and Courts’ Preference for Women Many myths about divorce circulate as truth—to the point that many people assume outcomes ahead of time that just aren’t true. The most damaging myths pertain to assumptions about finances and supposed biases that judges and courts will hold against the other spouse. […]
A contested divorce will be your most expensive option because of the time it takes to draw up your complaint, collect information, and argue your case. Fortunately, a variety of options exist as alternatives to a contested divorce.
Finalizing a Georgia divorce is a complex process, and often one of the most delicate issues is determining child custody.
Recently our two Associate Attorneys, Jenni Brown (Marietta) and Randy Sabatini (Alpharetta) became certified to practice collaborative law cases from the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.
There is no doubt the divorce process can be a difficult, emotional, and stressful time. When going through the divorce process, couples not only wish to end their marriage amicably, but also quickly. There is no average or exact number of days it takes to end a Georgia divorce, because each case has specific facts […]