
How Long Does a Divorce Take?

Edited By: Belinda Martin – Associate Attorney One of the first questions you may have is how long a divorce takes if you plan to file for divorce or if your spouse has already decided to file. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to that question. The length of time a divorce takes is dependent […]

Grounds for Divorce in Georgia

When considering divorce, it’s important to understand the different grounds for divorce in Georgia. Not only should you know what type of grounds you will be filing for divorce, each instance presents a different set of expectations, possibilities, and challenges. Let’s take a closer look at common grounds for divorce, what they entail, and how […]

How to Get a Quick Divorce in Georgia

Getting a quick divorce in Georgia is possible, but it takes some effort and cooperation to make it work. However, if you know how to help move the process along, and both you and your spouse are committed to getting through your divorce quickly, it is possible to have a quicker divorce than it might […]

Georgia Divorce Process


Gainesville Divorce & Family Law Attorneys