SM&P Partner Melanie Prehodka Featured on Podcast
Melanie Prehodka, SM&P partner, was recently featured on the Kirkley Hennessy Show podcast. During the show, she discussed different areas of family law, including divorce, child support, and adoption.
“This was my first experience with a podcast,” Melanie said. “It won’t be my last. This form of communication is an effective way to help people learn about family law because so many now expect to get their information this way.”
“Melanie is the perfect guest for a podcast or any other platform where broad and deep concepts need to be clearly communicated,” said Mary Montgomery, SM&P’s founding and managing partner. “Not only is she profoundly knowledgeable about family legal issues, but she is also good at explaining the complexities that often frustrate clients dealing with them.” Listen to the podcast here. The show is also available through Spotify, Apple, Google Casts, and many other platforms.