Remembering 9/11 – Field of Flags

This year, so that we may remember and appreciate those lost to us on 9/11, local groups are planning to show their respect through commemorations for the 20th anniversary of the tragedy.
For the Kiwanis Club of Marietta, their 9/11 Field of Flags memorial is built on one which started 19 years ago to commemorate the tragic loss of lives.
That year, 2002, they were involved in placing 3,000 flags at the base of Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield. “It was taxing work,” said Kiwanian Victoria Turney, client relations director at SM&P, “but we all had full and grateful hearts once all of the flags were up.”
Since then, every five years, the club members, with the help of the community, install the 3,000 flags to observe the event.
According to Jamie Vann, Kiwanian and co-chair of the event, residents have appreciated the opportunity to be part of this solemn remembrance through the Field of Flags. He added his Club’s gratitude for the help in showing our respect to those who lost and risked their lives that sad day.
The commemoration will start with a processional on September 4 from Grace Community Church on Kennesaw Avenue in Marietta. Participants carrying flags will walk less than a mile, gradually forming a single file as they approach the Battlefield, where their flags will be positioned on the field.
It’s time to start planning your part in this solemn day. Please consider visiting their website,, for more information. Register to carry a flag in the processional. There is no charge to participate in this meaningful family event. You can also learn how to sponsor a flag, when and where to attend the memorial service to hear the names of those lost on 9/11, and even share a personal memory of that day. The Field of Flags memorial is free and open to the public from September 4 through the morning of September 18, 2021.