Participate in Field of Flags Ceremony

Local groups, including the Kiwanis Club of Marietta, encourage you to join them in participating in a special commemoration of 9/11 this month, its 20th anniversary. Starting September 4, our community can appreciate and honor those who perished and those who sacrificed much to save others on that tragic morning two decades ago. The Kiwanians have worked hard to plan this occasion for all who want to show their respect by remembering the heroes of that historic day.
The commemoration begins with a processional from Grace Community Church on Kennesaw Avenue in Marietta on Saturday, September 4. Participants bearing flags will walk less than a mile to the base of Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park where many died during the Civil War. They will gradually form a single file as they approach the Battlefield, where their flags will be reverently placed in position.
Jamie Vann, Kiwanian and co-chair of the event, said that since the Field of Flags’ beginning in 2002, residents have valued the opportunity to pay their respects to those lost and injured during the 9-11 attack. His club, he said, is grateful for the community’s help in putting together and participating in this momentous occasion.
If you haven’t had the chance already, sign up now for this solemn ceremony. Visit for more information. You can register to bring the whole family and friends to carry flags in the processional. There is no charge to take part in this meaningful event. You can also find out how to sponsor a flag, when and where to attend the memorial service to hear the names called of those lost on 9/11, and even share a personal memory of that day. The Field of Flags memorial is free and open to the public from September 4 through the morning of September 18, 2021.