How to Handle Summer Vacations when Divorced

Summer time can be a big adjustment if you have recently been divorced. Trying to work around everyone’s schedule and ensure each parent gets their allotted time with the children can prove to be challenging and stressful. While planning a separate summer vacation from your ex spouse can be difficult, these few tips can help make summer vacation planning a little easier. 

  • The sooner the better: The sooner you make your summer vacation plans and discuss (by sending an email) them with your ex the less likely any arguments or conflicting plans arise.
  • Ask your kids: Talk to your kids about summer and make sure you make time to do things they want to do and work around any summer camps or activities they have planned. Don’t make any commitments with the kids without discussing things with your ex.  
  • Take into consideration special events: Try not to plan a summer vacation during your ex’s birthday or any other special events that take place during summertime.  
  • Follow any court guidelines: Visitation rights and guidelines for both parents during the summer months should be included in your divorce decree. If you are required to receive permission from your ex in order to take your child out of state make sure you follow all court orders in order to avoid repercussions later. It is best to get arrangements in writing with both parents signature so there is no dispute later on about what was agreed upon.

If you are unaware or unsure about legal issues relating to planning a summer vacation with your child you should consult your family law attorney.